Measurement of Colocation Temperature and Humidity
Network Reliability and Infrastructure Analysis
Over a period of six months temperature and relative humidity measurements were taken in eight collocation facilities in the US and Europe. The purpose was to determine a typical range for collocation environments for equipment vendors, customers and designers.
Temperature and humidity measurements were taken by a OnSet Computer HOBO H8-Temp/RH data logger every 12 minutes. between May 22 2001 and December 6 2001. Data collected before June 1 2001 and after September 30 2001 were deleted from the dataset, since they reflected measurements taken during transport of the measurement devices, and not of the conditions in a collocation facility. A colocation engineer chose the location within the facility for installing the data logger.
Only four of the eight data logging were returned. If you haven't returned the unit I loaned you, I would still like it back. Replacement units can be purchased from Onset Computers (