Emergency Alert System
Tips for Alert Originators
Alert templates and tips for Alert Originators using Emergency Alert System (EAS), Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) or Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS).Reminder: Always review and follow individual state and local EAS plans.
CAP, EAS and WEA Message Tips:
- IPAWS, EAS and CAP: Tips and Quirks for Emergency Managers ( PDF)
- Tips for creating CAP and EAS messages ( PDF)
- Instructions for using CAP/EAS/WEA templates ( PDF)
- Blank CAP/EAS/WEA template ( Word, PDF)
There is no single, consistent message for each type of hazard; i.e., there is no single message on hurricanes from all agencies; no single message on fires for all agencies, etc. Generic process standards on how to write a message and disseminate the message should be developed rather than the specific words for each community. These samples are intended as examples which local officials can quickly adapt in an emergency.Action Templates:
- EVI - Evacuation Immediate ( Word, PDF)
- Mandatory or directed evacuation
- SPW - Shelter In Place Warning ( Word, PDF)
- Mandatory or directed shelter-in-place
Emergency, Watch and Warning Templates:
- AVA - Avalanche Watch
- AVW - Avalanche Warning ( PDF)
Avalanche Watches and Warnings are issued by US Avalanche Centers (USDA Forest service, state, and local agency centers and non-profit centers) and redistributed through the National Weather Service.- CAE - Child Abduction Emergency ( Word, PDF)
- AMBER Alert - Missing child believed to be abducted
- CDW - Civil Danger Warning ( Word, PDF)
- Dam or levee failure
- Lethal chemical agents and munitions (CSEPP)
- Other military incidents
- Space debris reentry
- Terrorism (WMD, CBNR)
- Unsafe water alert - chemical or radiological contamination (See LAE for boil water notice)
- CEM - Civil Emergency Message ( Word, PDF)
- Blue Alert - Suspect killed or seriously injured a law enforcement officer
- Other hazards not covered by a more specific event code
- EQW - Earthquake Warning
- FRW - Fire Warning
- Urban conflagration
- Wildfire
- HMW - Hazardous Material Warning ( Word, PDF)
- Extremely hazardous substances
- Explosive or flammable material
- Industrial release (fixed facility or transportation)
- LAE - Local Area Emergency ( Word, PDF)
- Air quality alert - hazardous levels
- Boil Water Notice - confirmed/likely contamination (Boil Water Order)
- Emergency curfew
- Emergency travel ban
- Utility/infrastructure outage
- LEW - Law Enforcement Warning ( Word, PDF)
- Active shooter and mass casualty attacks
- NUW - Nuclear Power Plant Warning ( Word, PDF)
- Site area emergency
- General emergency
- RHW - Radiological Hazard Warning
- TOE - 911 Telephone Outage Emergency ( Word, PDF)
- VOW - Volcano Warning
Volcano Warnings are issued by US Volcano Observatories (US Geological Survey) and distributed to other federal agencies and state emergency management agencies. State EMAs redistribute volcano warnings to county/local EMAs. County/local EMAs decide on public notifications, i.e. EAS, WEA, etc.Administrative and Testing Templates:
- ADR - Administrative Message ( Word, PDF)
- All Clear message
- Cancelled or early expiration of alert
- Drinking water advisory - precautionary (Boil Water Advisory)
- False alert notification
- Loss of alerting sources (weather radio, LP-1, LP-2)
- Precautionary alert - In an abundance of caution
- Post-incident recovery information
- Update about in progress incident
- DMO - Demo/Practice Warning
- NMN - Network Management Notification
- RMT - Required Monthly Test ( Word, PDF)
- RWT - Required Weekly Test ( Word, PDF)